Friday, August 15, 2008


More answers to more of your questions:

We will be living in a western style house with running water and electricity. The house will be much, much nicer than what the huge majority of the folks there live in, as mud huts are the norm. We will have washer, dryer, fridge, but will not use disposable diapers but instead the new generation of cloth! No easy way to dispose of trash, no walmart down the street to get more diapers, etc. we can eat both western style food as well as ghanian.

free time activities will be whatever we can come up with-watching a dvd, having missionaries and others over, hosting our friends and family who are visiting (hint, hint), playing baseball and soccer (or football, as they call it). there is a tennis court there so we will likely play tennis, as well. but we will have to be pretty good or get a lot of extra exercise as there is no fence currently around the court!

we'll find out how proficient we become in the tribal language we will learn! It's supposed to be fairly simple. maybe once we learn a few words we'll post a recording either here or on facebook.

about colt, on one hand he seems very interested and likes to share with others about africa. he does say he will miss his friends and cousins, which is very understandable, of course. He does have Jesus as his savior, so that does help a lot.

(I just noticed myself trying to spell like a Brit. I may do that more as we live over there for awhile.)

Thanks again for the questions, interest, and most importantly, prayers!